Milestone Migration

How Does Changing Employers Effect my Transition to Permanent Residency

Photo of Sydney

How Does Changing Employers Effect my Transition to Permanent Residency

Are you considering changing employers as a 457 or 482 visa holder? In this article we'll take you through the biggest questions you need to ask before it's too late.

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Are you considering changing employers as a 457 or 482 visa holder? In this article we’ll take you through the biggest questions you need to ask before it’s too late.

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How does changing employers effect your transition to Permanent Residency?

Most employers offer PR through the transitional 186 or 187 visa program. For transitional permanent residency, you usually need to remain with the same employer in the same position for 3 years. Changing employers will reset your time back to zero and you will start your 3 years all over again.

There are different rules that apply for PR based on when you applied for your 457 visa. It is quite complicated and changing employer may close a pathway to a visa and impact your future.

After 40 years of age – the window closes quickly to get permanent residency. So if you are over 40 – think very carefully about your decision to move.

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Did you say your new employer is offering Direct Entry?

Even if your new employer agrees to sponsor you for direct entry permanent residency there are additional things to consider.

You may need to renew an expired Skill Assessment (i.e. an English language test) .

For visa holders chasing the English Language exemption, this is only available via the regional 187 transitional visa and the exemption may no longer be available in 3 years time.

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Have you tried to fix things with your current employer?

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If you are having challenges in your existing job, it is the right thing to do to talk to your manager or the business owner.

They gave you the opportunity for your 457 visa so make sure they know there is a problem so they can fix it.

Of course – no one can make you stay – but if things don’t improve at least you gave them a chance to fix it before deciding to leave.

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When can you start work with new employer?

If you are having challenges in your existing job, it is the right thing to do to talk to your manager or the business owner.

They gave you the opportunity for your 457 visa so make sure they know there is a problem so they can fix it.

Of course – no one can make you stay – but if things don’t improve at least you gave them a chance to fix it before deciding to leave.

Do not risk your visa. Only start work with a new employer AFTER the nomination transfer is approved.

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Milestone delivers professional and affordable migration services.

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