Milestone Migration

Trusted Partner Visa Provider

Partner Visas

Live in Australia with your Australian citizen, permanent resident or eligible New Zealand spouse.


Partner Visas

Falling in love was the easy part. Getting a visa – yikes – who thought it was going to be this hard?

Whether you are married or in a de facto relationship, planning ahead for your Partner visa is critical. Even if you have been married for several years, there are a number of other factors that immigration takes into consideration to assess the partner relationship. With no refunds available for your Visa Application Charge, it is important that you get your visa application right the first time!

The first decision to make is whether you will make an ONSHORE (subclass 820) or OFFSHORE (subclass 309) visa application. Applying onshore will entitle you to a bridging visa that allows you to stay in Australia whilst awaiting an outcome on your application.

Onshore - Apply from inside australia

Subclass 820 temporary

Allows the de-facto partner or spouse of an australian citizen, permanent resident or eligible New Zealand citizen live in Australia temporarily.

Getting this visa is the first step towards a permanent partner visa (Subclass 801).

You will be granted a bridging visa allowing you to remian in Australia whilst awaiting an outcome on your application.

Subclass 801 permanent

Allows the de-facto partner or spouse of an australian citizen, permanent resident or eligible New Zealand citizen live in Australia permanently.

In some cases, this visa can be granted at the same time as the temporary visa.In most cases, it will be granted if the relationship still continues 2 years from the date of applying.

Offshore - Apply from outside of australia

Subclass 309 temporary

Allows the de-facto partner or spouse of an australian citizen, permanent resident or eligible New Zealand citizen live in Australia temporarily.

Getting this visa is the first step towards a permanent partner visa (Subclass 100).

Subclass 100 permanent

Allows the de-facto partner or spouse of an australian citizen, permanent resident or eligible New Zealand citizen live in Australia permanently.

In some cases, this visa can be granted at the same time as the temporary visa.In most cases, it will be granted if the relationship still continues 2 years from the date of applying.

The sponsoring spouse or de-facto partner must also complete an application to be assessed by immigration. This application is to determine that the sponsor is an eligible citizen or resident and meets the character criteria to sponsor. It also confirms that the sponsor agrees to the sponsorship obligations which require them to help their partner by providing accommodation, financial assistance and other support.

In some cases, the permanent visa can be granted at the same time as the temporary visa. Where this does not occur, there will be an additional step required to provide evidence that the relationship is continuing and that the visa applicant continues to meet the character requirements for the grant of a permanent visa for Australia.


Subclass 309/820 - Partner Visa Application

Confirms your relationship is true, genuine and ongoing. This will be assessed against 4 factors of evidence.

The visa application will also undergo checks for health and character.

Milestone Migration Professional Fee = $2,800


Assessment and approval of the sponsoring spouse.

Confirms they are an eligible citizen or permanent resident and that they meet the character criteria to sponsor or children.

Milestone Migration Professional Fee = $2,800

Subclass 100/801 - Permanent Partner Visa Processing

The permanent visa application is completed at the time the 309/820 application is submitted. It is considered a 'combined' application.

In some circumstances, the 100/801 visa is granted at the same time as the 309/820. It will be processed separately, two years after the application was first made.

Milestone Migration Professional Fee = $350


Milestone delivers professional and affordable migration services

Milestone delivers professional and affordable migration services