Milestone Migration

WA Kalgoorlie Goldfield Updated DAMA Program [A list of Occupations and Concessions]

WA Kalgoorlie Goldfield Updated DAMA Program [A list of Occupations and Concessions]

WA Karlgoorlie Goldfields has made an update to their DAMA program including expanding their designated area; adding 50 additional occupations; and changing the age requirement conditions.

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Certain areas of Australia hold a ‘Designated Area Migration Agreement’ or ‘DAMA’. A DAMA allows businesses in that designated area to access a DAMA labour agreement to sponsor positions or access concessions that are not ordinarily available in the general visa programs.

Some exciting updates were made to the Western Australia Kalgoorlie Goldfields DAMA Program last week.

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Updated Goldfields DAMA Program: Summary

  • Expanding the designated area to include additional regional areas including Esperance, Dundas and Ravensthorpe.
  • 50 additional occupations were added to be eligible for sponsorship.
  • An age limit of 49 years old (cannot have turned 50) for skill level 2 to 4 occupation applies at time of permanent residence nomination.
  • An age limit of 54 years old (cannot have turned 55) for skill level 1 occupation at time of permanent residence nomination.
  • concession to the work experience requirement is available for a number of occupations allowing recent graduates with one (1) year of full-time experience to qualify for the 482 and 494 visa programs.

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Goldfields DAMA: Critical Occupations List

The Goldfields DAMA provides access to critical occupations that cannot usually obtain sponsorship through the 482 visa program:


  • Mobile Plant Operators
  • Drillers
  • Drillers Assistant’s
  • Family Day Care Educators
  • Industrial Spraypainters
  • Meat & Bone Splicers
  • Nursing Support Workers
  • Personal Care Assistants
  • Slaughterers
  • Sound and Light Technician
  • Rope Access Technician
  • Asphalt Technician
  • Process Technician
  • Aged or Disabled Carers

You can find the full Kalgoorlie Occupation list here 

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Goldfields Concession

TSMIT concessions are available for the following occupations allowing for lower salary levels:


  • Aged or Disabled Carer
  • Agricultural and Horticultural Mobile Plant Operator
  • Slaughterer
  • Shearer
  • Personal Care Assistant
  • Nursing Support Worker
  • Meat Boner and Slicer
  • Family Day Care Educator
  • Child Care Worker
  • Beef Cattle Farmer

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An Opportunity for Businesses

Having the ability to sponsor individuals in these occupations and provide these age/skill concessions makes the Goldfields-Esperance a very attractive destination for many skilled migrants. Now more than ever businesses operating in this region have an exclusive advantage that competitors outside of the designated area do not have.

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We strongly encourage you to consider how you may use the DAMA as a strategy in your recruitment goals. If you wish to discuss how to make the most out of the agreement for your business operations in these locations, we encourage you to get in touch and talk to our Principal Migration Agent. She will brainstorm with you on how you can capitalise on this regional opportunity.

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Would you like to find out more about sponsoring workers through this program?

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Milestone delivers professional and affordable migration services

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