Milestone Migration

How can I Become an Australian Citizen through Conferral?

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How can I Become an Australian Citizen through Conferral?

Are you a Permanent Resident in Australia interested in becoming a citizen? Read this article to find out what requirements you need to be legible and the application process to become a citizen.

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In this article we will be exploring how you can become an Australian citizen through conferral. 

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Citizenship By Conferral: General Residence Requirements

For Australian Citizenship by conferral, you must meet the general residence requirements. This includes having lived in Australia on a valid visa for the past 4 years.

As a part of your 4 years total residence, you are required to hold a permanent residency visa for the 12 months before you apply for your citizenship.

In the 4 years before your application you must not have been outside of Australia for more than 12 months in total. This includes no more than 90 total days within the 12 months before you apply.

If you need help calculating this, you may like to use the Department of Immigrations Residence Calculator.

There are some exceptions, and you are always encouraged to seek advice specific to your situation from a Registered Migration Agent before determining whether you are eligible. This list is for general guidance only. 

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The Process

If you meet the residency requirement you can get started with your application. This process involves several steps in order to progress your application:


  1. Character Assessment: You must pass a character test to demonstrate that you are a law-abiding member of the Australian community.
  2. Interview: You will then be invited to attend an interview with the Department of Home Affairs where they will ask you some questions and confirm your residency eligibility for citizenship.
  3. Citizenship Test: Next you will complete the citizenship test which is a simple multiple-choice exam that confirms your understanding of key Australian values, commitments, and language.
  4. Ceremony: Upon passing the interview and test you will be approved for citizenship and will be invited to attend a citizenship ceremony with your local council to pledge your commitment to Australia.

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If you want to check your eligibility for citizenship by conferral, contact us now for a free assessment.

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Milestone delivers professional and affordable migration services.

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