Milestone Migration

Changes to Visa conditions 8107, 8607 and 8608 from 1 July

Changes to Visa conditions 8107, 8607 and 8608 from 1 July

The Department of Home Affairs has announced some important changes to the visa conditions for 8107, 8607, and 8608 Temporary Work (Skilled) visa holders, starting from 1 July 2024.

These updates are part of the Migration Strategy to help tackle worker exploitation and enhance productivity. Here’s what you need to know:

More Time for Visa Holders to Transition

Temporary Work (Skilled) (Sc 457) visa holders, Temporary Skill Shortage (Sc 482) visa holders, and Skilled Employer Sponsored Regional (provisional) (Sc 494) visa holders who stop working with their sponsoring employer will have more time to find a new sponsor, apply for a different visa, or arrange to depart Australia.

These visa holders will have up to:

  • 180 days at a time, or
  • a maximum of 365 days in total across the entire visa grant period.

Flexibility to Work for Other Employers

During this time, visa holders can work for other employers. This includes work in occupations not listed in their most recently approved sponsorship nomination. This will ensure visa holders can support themselves while looking for a new sponsor.

Important Employment Conditions

  • Visa holders need to stop working with their sponsoring employer before starting with a new one unless they’re exempt.
  • They must stay in their nominated occupation while working for their current sponsor.
  • Sponsors must still let the department know about any changes in the employment situation within 28 days, including if a visa holder resigns or sponsorship ends.
  • Visa holders must not do any work that is inconsistent with any licence or registration needed for their nominated occupation. This includes any conditions or requirements they are subject to.

These changes affect everyone who currently has a visa and those who get a new visa starting July 1, 2024. If a visa holder stops working for their sponsor before July 1, 2024, that time won’t count towards the new time limits.

By following these new rules, visa holders can more easily manage their jobs and stay in Australia, while sponsors can make sure they follow the updated regulations.

Talk to a migration agent if you are unsure about your visa application. Our registered migration agents can also be found in the Department of Home Affairs Office of the Migration Agents Registration Authority.

Send us a message for a free quote or call +61 8 9463 6624

The information provided is for general use only and should NOT be taken as Migration Advice. For information about your circumstances, don’t hesitate to get in touch with Milestone Migration for immigration assistance.

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