Milestone Migration

Core Skills Occupations List (CSOL) Consultation Opens

Core Skills Occupations List (CSOL) Consultation Opens

The Jobs and Skills Australia (JSA) is seeking input on a draft list of occupations for skilled migration to address workforce shortages in Australia. This consultation allows industry groups, employers, and others to suggest which occupations should be included or excluded.

A draft list has been tabled with some high-demand occupations, such as Motor Mechanic, Vehicle Painter and Chef, tabled for ‘consultation’. We are encouraging sponsors to participate in this consultation process to ensure your ongoing staffing needs can be considered.

By making a submission, you can help shape the government’s decisions on sponsoring occupations for migration. The more input from various stakeholders, the stronger the evidence for JSA’s recommendations.

The submissions can be lodged until 5 pm on Friday 31 May 2024.

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The information provided is for general use only and should NOT be taken as Migration Advice. For information about your circumstances, don’t hesitate to get in touch with Milestone Migration for immigration assistance.

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