Milestone Migration

Health insurance requirement for TSS 482 visa holders

Health insurance requirement for TSS 482 visa holders

If you are in Australia on a work visa such as the 482 visa, you are required to have a health insurance policy that meets the Department’s requirements for ‘adequate’ coverage – unless you are exempted or you currently have (or have at least applied for) Medicare.

All Temporary Skill Shortage (subclass 482) visa holders are subject to ‘condition 8501’ which means you are required to maintain ‘adequate’ health insurance for the duration of your stay in Australia.

Employers of TSS visa applicants/holders are not obligated to pay health insurance – it is up to the employee to maintain their health insurance policy to comply with their visa requirements.

Healthcare costs in Australia can be very expensive so make sure to have an active health insurance. Having debts payable to Australian hospitals can also prevent you from being approved visa renewals or Permanent visas – so never take risks on your future.

The information provided is for general use only and should NOT be taken as Migration Advice. For information about your circumstances, don’t hesitate to get in touch with Milestone Migration for immigration assistance.

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