Milestone Migration

Carrenn Miranda – Punzalan becomes a permanent resident of Australia

Carrenn Miranda – Punzalan becomes a permanent resident of Australia


Before living in Australia, I was working as a CDP at Hotel and Casino back in the Philippines.

The first few months of living in Australia was a bit difficult because it was my very first time working abroad and being away from my loved-ones. Work wasn’t easy but I was determined to keep going and to adapt to my environment. I can look back now and be proud of the difficulties I overcame and the position I am in.


When I first moved to Australia, I expected that it would only be about the work because you earn a very good living. But I was surprised out that the culture here promotes a work-life balance. For example, Employers here give you plenty of time off (holidays) to do whatever you want without the risk of losing your position. My plan for the future is to apply for an Australian Citizenship!


Thank-you Milestone Migration for helping me with my Permanent Residency.

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